prayers for students
This page features four short prayers for college and university students. The
first prayer is an uplifting prayer to say for a student currently away from home and reflects on God as our protector and friend. The second one is a prayer for guidance and peace as students take their
final exams, the third one is suitable as an
opening prayer for a student bible study, and the final prayer is for courage and wisdom for
nursing students.
Prayer for a Student
Father, as I study away from home - I am not alone
You are my friend - help me to meet new people
You are my encourager - come build my confidence and vision
You are my teacher - help me to learn and gain wisdom
You are my comforter - hold me when I'm lonely or afraid
You are my counsellor - I share my excitement and worries with you
You are my protector - I lay my life into your safe hands
Thank you for your presence with me now

Prayer before exam
(a prayer for guidance and inspiration for an upcoming exam test final)
Be with me as I take this exam.
Keep my mind alert and my memory sharp.
Calm my nerves and help me concentrate.
I know that you walk with me,
Guiding my path and inspiring my heart.
I pray that I would feel you with me,
And that your friendship would soften the pressure I feel.
I pray that I would pass this exam and go on to new things with you.
Thank you for your peace and your love in my life.
Thank you for your kindness and care for me.
"You are my protector - I lay my life into your safe hands"
Prayer before bible study group
As we open our bibles
We also open our hearts
That these words of truth may fall upon the very fabric of our lives.
May these ancient scriptures come alive within us,
To inspire, to heal, to cleanse, to teach
To restore and to guide our hearts and minds.
Lord, come weave your words of life in us.
A short video featuring the words of the prayer on this page, reminding us that God is our protector, our counsellor, and our friend whilst away at college or university:-
Prayer for nursing students
Dear God,
Help me to learn, but more than this to fully understand all I need to know.
Help me to have courage, to care medically for each patient, but also to care for their feelings too.
Help me to manage the work load, but also to enjoy my studies.
And help me to relax and unwind, to find times of rest and restoration away from it all.